Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Save the EARTH"
This statement has been used, reused and recycled in every imaginable context.
"Save Electricity,Save the Earth".
"Save Water,Save the Earth".
Puhlease."Save your own ass!" would be more appropriate. The earth doesn't need saving. If the polar ice caps were to melt submerging all the land masses thereby driving humans to colonize mars or any other convenient planet, the earth would still rotate about its axis with a slight tilt, completing a full revolution around the sun once every 365.25 days. Earth minus humanity. It does not make a huge difference in the overall picture of the universe. What are we after all. A mere spec in cosmic time.
Even in the green house gas infested atmosphere and watery grave that we might leave behind us, a new life forms may evolve for whom o2 is poisonous, which thrive in uv light and suffocate out of water. If these creatures were to fuck up the water and tamper with the precious green house gases, they too would perish.
The cycle goes on. A new Yuga begins. The earth plays host ever graciously, not the earth as we know it but still spherical and slightly bulged at the poles none the less.
In the big picture, we're pretty small indeed.


Bhargav said...

Saving the Earth IS going to save our asses.

The 'Save our Earth' boom is a result of our instincts to save our species. So while the focus is outwardly on Earth-rescue, it actually means 'Protract our time on Earth.'


Abhishek K said...

exactl we need to save our ass. even though we are a spec we have to fight for survival.
You cannot just give up when u can undo it.

Unknown said...

We all know what inspired that blog, dont we :)