Saturday, June 5, 2010

Science is based on doubt, followed by an inquiry and finally by an assertion. Without doubt there is no inquiry. Doubt is the spring from which the whole of science flows like a mighty river, collecting more doubt along the way, unstoppable, in search for the truth. So what is science looking for? Quite simply, the truth.
Religion is solely belief. If you tell a believer there is God in a stone, he will believe. God is everywhere, he will even believe that without the slightest doubt. That for him is the truth. If God is in a stone, I want to test it. But the Truth remains so irrespective of your opinion of it. So what do I do? If I acknowledge that there is God in the stone, I'm accepting something as it is without inquiry, without personal experience. If I try to prove the existence or non existence of God in the stone, I'm delving into the endless doubt-inquiry chain.
A religion of doubters or scientists' who believe are are neither believers nor scientists. So where does that leave me. I know individually both aren't enough but both together will consume each other in an endless chain, a snake swallowing it's own head.

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"- Zen Koan


Vikram said...

kya ba ? Full spiritual eh?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Science is how people interpret the world around them. Religeon is how people interpret the results of their actions and their consequences. It is intricately woven to each person pursuit of happiness. Science is a part of religeon as a scientist pursues science to find true happiness. An athiest is religeous inasmuch as he tries to find happiness in atheism.