- Visit 10 countries
- Learn Spanish or Italian
- Live aboard for a two years. No more, no less
- Have a collection of 500 books.
- Build a house overlooking the sea [any place].
- Own a bike of at least 350 cc.
- Visit the North East.
- Write a travel book.
- Weigh less than 65 kilograms.
- Visit college [NITK] at least 5 times.
- Climb up a coconut tree, climb down with a coconut, cut it open with a sickle and drink. [All on your own].
- Own 5 musical instruments [Don't have to know how to play them]
- Swim naked in a river.
- Get a golden retriever.
- Do social work.
- Build a cool[?] web application all on your own.
- Learn how to cook South Indian food.
- Travel business class on an international flight.
- Read more books than you have watched movies.
- Live in the Himalayas for at least month.
Quite ambitious.
Love it.
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